Friday, January 3, 2020

Women in the Military Essay - 667 Words

I am in favor of equality for women, just not when it comes to women in combat. There have been women in society doing heroic things since the Revolutionary war. There have been brave women in war posing as men so they could fight. There are a select few women who could handle war and combat. The negative aspects of women in combat outweigh the positive. Women should not participate in military combat. However they may join the military and served in traditional roles such as nurses and office staff. The difference between men and women is women are physically weaker, they have vital personal needs, and they attract male troops. Women are physically weaker. Their genetic structure is made differently than the males. Susan Brownmiller†¦show more content†¦Not only are women physically weaker, but also they have many physical problems to deal with. Women have personal physical problems that need to be attended to. They have monthly periods that put them at a disadvantage. In combat they have to be prepared to do anything such as hide out for weeks, take night watch, and etc. If their period comes, they have to attend to themselves or they will get a bad infection. Also cramps usually come when theyre on their period .That could cause problems when they have to run. If women go to war and are in a different place for a long period of time they want to have sex. If they do, they run the risk of getting pregnant which will make them unable to fight because they will be slow, and their unborn infant could die. Hormones tend to be very high in combat areas. Men are naturally attracted to women. Susan Brownmiller wrote in Femininity that Femininity pleases men because it makes them appear more masculine by contrast (129).Men in war can be dogs, they are not themselves. Women are definitely not safe in that environment and many pregnancies would be occurring .Judith Ortiz Cofer wrote in Casa: A Partial Remembrance of a Puerto Rican Childhood that never meaning to stay, only to have a good time and to seduce the women(148). The morale of the units would be destroyed if this chaos were going on. There is also the issue of the loss ofShow MoreRelatedWomen and the Military1125 Words   |  5 PagesWomen and the Military Statistics show that the U.S. armed forces currently employ over 229,000 women in its various branches (Donnelly 8). This figure had been increasing exponentially for over 30 years. It s no surprise to men that women are becoming an important factor in the U.S. military and now occupy every position expect those on the front lines. 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