Friday, November 8, 2019

Correspondence Rule and Qunie-duhem theory essays

Correspondence Rule and Qunie-duhem theory essays A correspondence rule (c-rule) is when observational and theoretical terms are put together to form a specific definition. Science has evolved through this by positivists by combining theoretical and mathematical logic. The c-rule is the basis for all positivists. The bioconditional affect though is that which connects observations to theories through and if and only if stance. By using mathematical logic, positivists have concluded that there are 5 rules that are the essence of the c-rule. To start, one must have a quantifier(s) to state what the observational object is under scrutiny. Next the positivist would add mathematical logic to the equation through the use of symbols. The results are then determined as observational and/or theoretical terms, applying naturally to the laws of nature. The reasons behind this logic though are simple. Positivists wanted to discredit the fact that science and experimentation are subjective. By creating a standard way of testing and interpr eting results through mathematics, science now becomes universal and objective. People still try to discredit positivism though. They say that positivists use subjunctive mathematics rather objective mathematics. Through these accusations, positivists take a mighty blow and become nearly wholly discredited. By saying that positivists are subjunctive, one is saying that positivists add to the disorder of the experiment by using theory over fact. If a positivist came to me with an experiment on how to get better tire traction on a race track I, being a skeptic, could discredit him by saying that his logic falls on the theoretical side and is therefore subjunctive. Now to argue against me, the positivist would go out to the  ¼ mile strip and lessen the air pressure of his front tires, creating more tire to track surface area (assuming the car is FWD as well). He has now proved t ...

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