Thursday, December 26, 2019

Globalization Makes Society Better - 842 Words

Globalization benefits society as a whole because it expands markets, increases profits, creates new jobs and has also lifted people in poor countries out of poverty. According to Robert O’ Brien and Marc Williams globalization in terms of liberalization is: â€Å"the removal of restrictions to cross border flows, such as the elimination of trade or investment barriers† (O’Brien and Williams:27). Globalization has also transformed the way the world is viewed today. As technology has improved the production of goods are made faster and cheaper as well as the transportation of goods. As you can see in the global division of labor, certain countries specialize in different things. For example, in the automotive industry, different parts are made†¦show more content†¦Even though the manufacturing and agriculture industry have declined in the United State due to globalization, it has produced growth in other industries. Scheve and Slaughter also argue that the free movement of trade and capital has also benefited countries such as China and India because it has removed millions of people out of poverty. How is globalization bad? If markets are expanding, new jobs are being created and people are being lifted off from poverty. Globalization has also increased competition among countries by removing regulation laws that are undermining corporations to increase profit as well the faster and cheaper production of goods. For example, a country that has strict labor and environmental laws will engage a Multinational Corporation to move to a country that have these laws set at a bare minimum; this is because they want to gain as much profit as possible with low production costs. This is where the term â€Å"race to the bottom†comes into play. Spar and Yoffie define â€Å"race to the bottom† as â€Å"the progressive movement of capital and technology from countries with relatively high levels of wages, taxation, and regulation to countries with relatively lower levels† (SparShow MoreRelatedModern Day Society : The Legacies Of Historical Globalization1253 Words   |  6 PagesModern day society is built from legacies of historical globalization. It should be recognized that some legacies were not the most positive, and that every legacy of historical globalization affects us today. It has been heavily debated that to what extent should we dwell on the legacies of historical globalization. Some people believe that it is necessary to dwell on events of the past. Yet others say that it is the past, and our current society functions normally without it. 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Wednesday, December 18, 2019

Slavery An Unnatural Doctrine - 1603 Words

Abstractly, an unnatural doctrine utilized to reinstate supremacy and power has become one of mankind’s biggest anomalies. Slavery, defined as the practice of ownership of a people or persons, has proclaimed itself to be a prevalent institution in the history of the Americas, considering its duration spanned over centuries. The manipulation and application of race was used to categorize mankind into levels of humanity based on different pigmentations of the skin, with the level of humanity decreasing as the darkness of the skin increased. This simplistic theory was used as pseudoscientific evidence to subdue the African population of the Americas to bondage. And, although this type of slavery is thought to be bygone in the western hemisphere, it is still pervasive in one of its most historical forms: the subjugation of the black population to supreme white society − perhaps not physically, but mentally. Thought by many to be a physical institution, slavery has proved to be much more than that; for if slavery was merely physical, the African population in the Americas would have been able to restore itself economically, socially, culturally, intellectually, etc. within a generation of abolition. Rather, modern society, has suspended much of its capabilities to a culture centuries old with the intention of establishing longevity in white supremacy. Juan Francisco Manzano, in his autobiography, outlines the extent of physical trauma that he endured through his life as aShow MoreRelatedSepulveda VS. Bartolome de Las Casas1205 Words   |  3 Pagesof sacrifice the Indians killed their own people by taking out their hearts and placing them on alters. Sepulveda sees this as disgusting and unimaginable for a human being. In order to support his views Sepulveda turns to Aristotle s doctrine of natural slavery and agrees that those more powerful are made to be masters to rule over the weak. Another point that is being discussed by Sepulveda is that of the I ndians not being in charge of their own destiny, that they leave their lives to be ruledRead MoreFeminist Literary Criticism By Joanne Rowling1012 Words   |  5 Pagesthe Southern United States maintain the same doctrine, with all the fanaticism with which men cling to the theories that justify their passions and legitimate their personal interests? Did they not call heaven and earth to witness that the dominion of the white man over the black is natural, that the black race is by nature incapable of freedom, and marked out for slavery? some even going so far as to say that the freedom of manual laborers is an unnatural order of things anywhere† (Mill). Though JohnRead MoreThe Adventures Of Huckleberry Finn By Mark Twain1605 Words   |  7 Pagesinfluence a person to act a specific way. Twain wants to show readers these rules, and how these rules can provide balance, but forces an individual to act in an unnatural manner. 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The quest to reach the ultimate utopian society continues today as true AmericansRead MoreAugustine s View Of Slavery Essay2309 Words   |  10 PagesAugustine’s overall view of slavery in Book 19, of chapter 14, is controversial, because mankind was originally meant only to rule over non-rational creature. For the focused problem that arises from Augustine view is his concluding s tatement in chapter 14. â€Å"The apostle therefore admonishes servants to be obedient to their master’s, and to serve them loyally and with good will [†¦] they can at least make their own slavery to some extent free† [944]. The entailing notion that as long as the individualRead MoreEssay on Tomas Aleas The Last Supper3791 Words   |  16 Pagesremind the reader that I find slavery in all its forms to be an oppressive and terrible institution, and I firmly believe that for centuries (including this one) bigotry is one of the most terrible stains on our civilization. The views I intend to express in the following essay are in no way meant to condone the practices of slavery or racism; they are meant only to evaluate and interpret the construction of slavery in film. [2] For films concerning slavery, the role of the filmmaker as educatorRead More Slavery in Aristotles Works Essay3296 Words   |  14 Pagesthe institutions and doctrines he defends have been repudiated in modern political thought. In fact many such institutions are appalling and simply morally wrong. One such institution is slavery. Aristotle argues in the Politics that slavery is just. No argument is needed to conclude that Aristotle made a terrible ethical and moral error in defending slavery. Further we must accept that the argument of the abolition of slavery was available to him as his defense of slavery is in response to criticsRead MoreTranscendentalism in Civil Disobedience3710 Words   |  15 Pagespolitical realities, like slavery in the United States at the time or the Mexican-American War. This application of a highly philosophical understanding of reality onto complex political problems during the time is the reason Civil Disobedience received so much attenti on. Thoreau makes the case for more individual reflection and his stances are strongly critical of majority rule. He questions the legitimacy of governments that create unjust laws, acceptance of slavery being the prime example ofRead MoreThomas Paine : An English American Politician Activist, Philosopher And Writer1756 Words   |  8 Pagesalter the Pennsylvania Magazine—in January 1775. As of now, Paine started writing decisively, distributed a few articles, secretly or under aliases. One of his initial articles was a blistering judgment of the African slave exchange, called African Slavery in America, which he marked under the name â€Å"Justice and Humanity.† Paine s proselytizer thoughts were simply meeting up, and he couldn t have touched base in America at a superior time to propel his general perspectives Paine s propagandist ideasRead MoreHistorical and Ethnographical Study of the Rastafari Religion2398 Words   |  10 Pages his baptism. Likewise this pla ced the focus of Christianity not on the orthodoxy, or knowledge of the religion, but the orthopraxy, the actual feeling and experience of the religion. Following a period of nearly 50 years of post-slavery Revivalism, particularly Zion and Pukumina, efforts in Jamaica, some of the adherents were growing tired of the obeah, or the carried over mysticism. Zion Revivalism was more traditionally Christian, while Pukumina was much more varied

Tuesday, December 10, 2019

Sexual dimorphism Essay Example For Students

Sexual dimorphism Essay One of the most obvious clues is youth, a correlate of physical attractiveness, which has also been shown to be a desirable trait by older men in lonely-hearts advertisements. This could be because the older a woman gets, the less fertile she becomes. According to evolutionary psychologists, a man sees fertility as an important attribute because it assures him that his bloodline will continue. In many cultures, men prefer wives who are younger, although the age difference varies across societies. In the United States, college students surveyed between 1939-1988 indicated the preferred age difference is approximately 2. 5 years. Men who were 21 years old preferred, on average, women who were 18. 5 years (Buss, 1994). As men get older, they tend to be attracted to women who are increasingly younger than they are. Men in their thirties prefer women 5 years younger, while men in their 70s prefer women who are 10 to 20 years younger. In evolutionary terms, the older male is strategically balancing his aging, and thus poorer quality genes with the younger females youth, and thus good genetic potential in order to reproduce healthy offspring. Aside from the widely accepted facial features which have been recognised as being attractive to both males and females (prominent cheek bones, large eyes and wide smile), facial features have also been shown to be attractive to males if they look youthful, smaller and neotenous, representing a baby face. For example a smaller chin is more attractive in females than males and this has come about due to lower levels of testosterone (Cunningham et al 1990). Jones (1995) highlighted this in a cross-cultural study using a youth indicator scale of women. He found that that female attractiveness involves a substantial neotenous component as women whose predicted age was less than their actual age, were considered more attractive. However this bias towards youthful features is problematic from an evolutionary standpoint as those with the most child-like faces are children and next inline are old women whose facial features have shrunk with age, and these groups of people are infertile. Therefore males attraction to more youthful faces is better explained by the observational standpoint claiming that womens faces always look younger than males faces of the same age, therefore by looking for youth men are more likely to get a healthier female. From the female point of view there is evidence that youth is seen as an important component of attraction as the random attitude drift model claims that attributes such as youth are for aesthetic preference rather than biological function which in turn have led to social pressures for women to remain youthful looking. This is evident as the beauty industry is premised on a multi million dollar quest to retain a youthful appearance as it is known that the ageing process causes a decline in physical attractiveness, thus fashion magazines have portrayed celebrities getting plastic surgery or face lifts encouraging youth. Small feet are also reported to be more attractive to males. This is evident as practices such as foot binding in females in China (Jackson 2002) and US women wearing excessively small shoes (Frey et al 1993) indicates that small feet are a more attractive feature in women. There are two hypotheses as to why this may have arisen. Sexual dimorphism in foot size may lead observers to view small feet as feminine and large feet as masculine. Alternately, because small female feet indicate youth, evolution may have favored a male preference for this attribute in order to maximize returns on male reproductive investment. Frey et al (2005) confirmed these hypotheses using line drawings that varied only in regard to relative foot size, examining attractiveness judgments in nine cultures. .u17e789631f472a28ea07919299c5ae99 , .u17e789631f472a28ea07919299c5ae99 .postImageUrl , .u17e789631f472a28ea07919299c5ae99 .centered-text-area { min-height: 80px; position: relative; } .u17e789631f472a28ea07919299c5ae99 , .u17e789631f472a28ea07919299c5ae99:hover , .u17e789631f472a28ea07919299c5ae99:visited , .u17e789631f472a28ea07919299c5ae99:active { border:0!important; } .u17e789631f472a28ea07919299c5ae99 .clearfix:after { content: ""; display: table; clear: both; } .u17e789631f472a28ea07919299c5ae99 { display: block; transition: background-color 250ms; webkit-transition: background-color 250ms; width: 100%; opacity: 1; transition: opacity 250ms; webkit-transition: opacity 250ms; background-color: #95A5A6; } .u17e789631f472a28ea07919299c5ae99:active , .u17e789631f472a28ea07919299c5ae99:hover { opacity: 1; transition: opacity 250ms; webkit-transition: opacity 250ms; background-color: #2C3E50; } .u17e789631f472a28ea07919299c5ae99 .centered-text-area { width: 100%; position: relative ; } .u17e789631f472a28ea07919299c5ae99 .ctaText { border-bottom: 0 solid #fff; color: #2980B9; font-size: 16px; font-weight: bold; margin: 0; padding: 0; text-decoration: underline; } .u17e789631f472a28ea07919299c5ae99 .postTitle { color: #FFFFFF; font-size: 16px; font-weight: 600; margin: 0; padding: 0; width: 100%; } .u17e789631f472a28ea07919299c5ae99 .ctaButton { background-color: #7F8C8D!important; color: #2980B9; border: none; border-radius: 3px; box-shadow: none; font-size: 14px; font-weight: bold; line-height: 26px; moz-border-radius: 3px; text-align: center; text-decoration: none; text-shadow: none; width: 80px; min-height: 80px; background: url(; position: absolute; right: 0; top: 0; } .u17e789631f472a28ea07919299c5ae99:hover .ctaButton { background-color: #34495E!important; } .u17e789631f472a28ea07919299c5ae99 .centered-text { display: table; height: 80px; padding-left : 18px; top: 0; } .u17e789631f472a28ea07919299c5ae99 .u17e789631f472a28ea07919299c5ae99-content { display: table-cell; margin: 0; padding: 0; padding-right: 108px; position: relative; vertical-align: middle; width: 100%; } .u17e789631f472a28ea07919299c5ae99:after { content: ""; display: block; clear: both; } READ: The Battle of Midway in the Pacific EssayThey found that small foot size was generally preferred for females by males. This confirmed observational hypothesis predicting symmetrical polarizing preferences, with small feet being preferred in women and large feet being preferred in men, however disputed evolutionary hypothesis predicting asymmetrical preferences, with the average phenotype being preferred in men, as according to evolutionary accounts small feet are problematic and associated with pelvic insufficiency. Symmetry is yet another measure of attractiveness that men use when evaluating any potential mate as it is held to be an indicator of good genes (Zahavi, 1975). Scientists say that the preference for symmetry is a highly evolved trait seen in many different animals. Female swallows, for example, prefer males with longer and more symmetric tails, while female zebra finches mate with males with symmetrically coloured leg bands Fluctuating asymmetry (FA) is a measure of symmetry of a bilateral character (e. g. ear length or hand breadth) that fluctuates. Although this appears to be a minute detail, it could have its links to our evolutionary past. This is because departures from perfect FA are assumed to be the result of environmental stressors such as physical assaults, parasitic infections, reduced nutrition and disease. For example a high FA (e. g. one foot longer than the other) is thought to indicate a poor condition on the assumption that it requires a sound metabolism to grow perfectly symmetrical features. Therefore good symmetry of the body and face are deemed to be indicators of health.

Monday, December 2, 2019

The Popularity of Computer Animated Movies Essay Example For Students

The Popularity of Computer Animated Movies Essay Since Pixar’s release of the groundbreaking blockbuster, Toy Story (1995), computer animation has become hugely profitable and popular with audiences. The 3 dimensional cartoon platform engages audiences in a variety of ways. At first glance they act as an unworldly ‘kidified’ visual spectacle, however once you dig deeper you understand a true care and precision placed into the filmmaking that attracts audiences through other means. The social commentary that runs throughout these family oriented films encourages audiences to challenge their own moral integrity. Likewise, an engagement through humor, both slapstick and implicitly adult makes watching such features with children a satisfying experience, rather than a parental endurance. In my essay I will cover potential social, economic and political factors that contributed to the genre’s development and question why audiences continue to respond to these features in such a positive manner. The Golden Age of Animation was the ‘remarkable period in the late Thirties and early Forties, when Walt Disney transformed the movie industry with a visionary zeal and unbroken string of hits (Lee M, 2009). We will write a custom essay on The Popularity of Computer Animated Movies specifically for you for only $16.38 $13.9/page Order now His artistic creations helped animation thrive, in a way that granted it commercial recognition and popularity from the public. Unfortunately, soon after this booming era, which brought us unforgettable classics such as ‘Bambi’ (1942) and ‘Pinocchio’ (1940) the animated film industry faced a serious downfall in both reputation and sales. Some argue this was caused by ‘Chuck Jones at Warner Brothers on at children’s hour. (O’Harra H, 2007) Although the movement from cinema to television made cartoons popular with children, it unintentionally created a ‘60’s and 70’s Saturday morning animation was just for kids. ’ (O’Harra H, 2007) This meant that adults rarely invested money in animated features, especially when their children could watch these comically entertaining ‘distractions’ at home for free. It was debatably not until the 90s that animated features made a profitable come back. This was arguably because John Lasseter, the creator of the ‘innovative, self-shadowing 3d animated short Luxo Jr’ (Garcia C, 2013) joined Steve Jobs’ pioneering computer Animation Company ‘Pixar’ and created ‘Toy Story’ (1995). The combined forces of Jobs’ ‘PhotoRealistic RenderMan’ (RenderMan, 2013) programming skills and Lasseter’s belief that although ‘art challenges technology, technology inspires art’ (Lasseter, 2012) there was no doubt the first feature length computer animated movie would be a huge success. A ‘3 Oscar nominated,’ (IMDB, 2013), rare 100% rating on Rotten Tomatoes’ (2013) and ‘$200 million domestic grossing’ (Box office Mojo, 2013) success, to be precise. The CGI (computer animated images) offered audiences a unique visual spectacle that ‘people got excited about initially because it was generated with a computer. ’ (Garcia C. 2013) This made viewers feel like a privileged insider, and satisfied their ‘self-esteem needs’. (Maslow, 1943) In application to Maslow’s needs theory, audiences felt a sense of trust with the moviemakers as they were provided with a sufficient cinematic experience unlike any other. Additionally, Pixar, ‘the first and remains the most successful animation company’ (O’Harra H, 2007) continues to retain the trust of its audiences and distribute brilliant movies: 12 out of 14 were Oscar nominated, and a majority of them are on ‘IMDB’s top 250 movies. ’ (IMDB, 2013) The ‘commitment-trust theory of relationship marketing’ (Robert M, 1994) can be applied to Pixar. This is because the well-established production company continues to provide audiences with consistently quality films. Hence, they maintain their brand identity, cater to consumer demand and sway audiences to watch their films over others. Furthermore, with this new style of film’s success, computer animation has spawned what John Lasseter ‘who is currently Disney’s animation chief creative officer a second golden age of animation. ’ (Lee M, 2009) He goes on to say in an interview, after Disney bought Pixar ‘for $7. 4billion’ (La Monica P, 2006) that ‘people began to think for the feature animation business, it is impossible that more could be less. ’ (O’Harra H, 2007) The backlash of computer animations popularity is that in recent years 2D animation has fallen significantly in Hollywood cinema. As of early 2013, Bob Iger the chief executive of Disney, stated ‘to my knowledge we’re not developing hand drawn animation as it’s largely for television at this point. We’re not necessarily ruling out the possibility a feature but there is not any in development at the company. ’ (Child B. 2013) One would believe that this meant ‘the general consensus that audiences not want to watch hand-drawn animated films. ’ (Child B. 013) Potentially because computer animated features offer more appealing textures, backgrounds and animated physics which although cartoony are generated to look realistic. Warner Brothers’ ‘Happy Feet’ (2006) like many others CGI films use renderings that make every single piece of fur on the penguins move, as if wind was hitting it. .u5bff38320edfd3044dc26842b566a964 , .u5bff38320edfd3044dc26842b566a964 .postImageUrl , .u5bff38320edfd3044dc26842b566a964 .centered-text-area { min-height: 80px; position: relative; } .u5bff38320edfd3044dc26842b566a964 , .u5bff38320edfd3044dc26842b566a964:hover , .u5bff38320edfd3044dc26842b566a964:visited , .u5bff38320edfd3044dc26842b566a964:active { border:0!important; } .u5bff38320edfd3044dc26842b566a964 .clearfix:after { content: ""; display: table; clear: both; } .u5bff38320edfd3044dc26842b566a964 { display: block; transition: background-color 250ms; webkit-transition: background-color 250ms; width: 100%; opacity: 1; transition: opacity 250ms; webkit-transition: opacity 250ms; background-color: #95A5A6; } .u5bff38320edfd3044dc26842b566a964:active , .u5bff38320edfd3044dc26842b566a964:hover { opacity: 1; transition: opacity 250ms; webkit-transition: opacity 250ms; background-color: #2C3E50; } .u5bff38320edfd3044dc26842b566a964 .centered-text-area { width: 100%; position: relative ; } .u5bff38320edfd3044dc26842b566a964 .ctaText { border-bottom: 0 solid #fff; color: #2980B9; font-size: 16px; font-weight: bold; margin: 0; padding: 0; text-decoration: underline; } .u5bff38320edfd3044dc26842b566a964 .postTitle { color: #FFFFFF; font-size: 16px; font-weight: 600; margin: 0; padding: 0; width: 100%; } .u5bff38320edfd3044dc26842b566a964 .ctaButton { background-color: #7F8C8D!important; color: #2980B9; border: none; border-radius: 3px; box-shadow: none; font-size: 14px; font-weight: bold; line-height: 26px; moz-border-radius: 3px; text-align: center; text-decoration: none; text-shadow: none; width: 80px; min-height: 80px; background: url(; position: absolute; right: 0; top: 0; } .u5bff38320edfd3044dc26842b566a964:hover .ctaButton { background-color: #34495E!important; } .u5bff38320edfd3044dc26842b566a964 .centered-text { display: table; height: 80px; padding-left : 18px; top: 0; } .u5bff38320edfd3044dc26842b566a964 .u5bff38320edfd3044dc26842b566a964-content { display: table-cell; margin: 0; padding: 0; padding-right: 108px; position: relative; vertical-align: middle; width: 100%; } .u5bff38320edfd3044dc26842b566a964:after { content: ""; display: block; clear: both; } READ: The Princess Bride - Book and Film EssaySupporting ‘Blumer and Katz, uses and gratification theory’ (Blumer J, 1974) this natural movement on screen helps audiences identify with the characters on a deeper scale as their ‘appearances has been deliberately altered to provide a cute, wide-eyed look that appeals to humans ideals of beauty. (Grahame J, 2006) Their delightful expression helps audiences relate to characters because they are at awe at the aesthetically pleasing animation. On the other hand, Lasseter believes that blaming the fail of traditional animation solely on visuals ‘is completely ridiculous unfortunately 2D became an excuse for po or storytelling. ’ Todorov’s narrative theory states ‘all stories begin with equilibrium, face disequilibrium, and then end with a resolution. ’ (1978) In order to make animated films follow this narrative structure characters need to be relatable. This is why most characters within animated films, whether it creatures ‘Monsters Inc. ’ (2001) or inanimate objects ‘Cars’ (2006) are personified. Such a personification then allows an emotional bond to form with universal audiences as these characters troubles and triumphs are ‘merely represented as a projection of human desires. ’ (Grahame J, 2006) These narrative arcs also allow writers to lace these films with intertextual-references and adult jokes, which both media literate parents and young children from around the world can enjoy, even though they interpret the humour differently. On top of this computer animated storytelling also provides more leeway for unique creative storytelling, which perhaps could never be achieved cheaply in live action filming. However, one could oppose this by arguing these methods of film making have always been associated with animation, since the earliest form of 2D animation such as Walt Disney’s’ debut ‘Steamboat Willie’. (1928) Other factors also contribute to the genres popularity. Shark Tale (2004) is a computer-animated movie with a wide range of A-list celebrities ranging from Will Smith to Robert De Niro. The hiring of famous stars to voice characters helps market films because audiences tend to determine a movies success on the reputation of the cast and company involved in its creation. Additionally, characters being voiced by actors who are typecast in certain ways, helps establish animated personalities. For example audiences immediately associate Smith as being urban and street smart, and understand De Niro’s association with Italian American organised crime, whether or not they are in an animated fishlike shell. Likewise, directors are as eager to get involved in the production of these features as celebrities are. Spielberg’s film ‘The Adventures of Tin Tin’ (2011) uses computer animation along with in studio motion-capture to give his animation a more realistic feel, yet retain the traditional ‘Tin Tin comic book’ (Remi G, 1929- 1976) look. This way of filming is hugely popular because it mirrors realism, but reminds the audience it is a fictional story made to ‘entertain. ’ (Blumer J, 1974) Raymond Chandler once stated ‘modern film tries too hard to be real. Its techniques of illusion are so perfect that it requires no contribution from the audience but a mouthful of popcorn. ’ Supporting this, although certain animation looks genuine, Lasseter insists a ‘good animator must not provide films that are realistic; a good animator must tell stories that are believable. ’ (Lee M, 2009) By following this approach to filmmaking audiences are allowed to fully immerse themselves in fictitious worlds, thus catering to their ‘entertainment needs’ and ‘evoking a sense of relaxation and passiveness that only ends when finishes’. Shrum. L. 2004) However, motion capture movies are sometimes unappealing for child audiences and the blunt realism tends to appeal to more adult demographics. A prime example would be the certificate15 ‘Beowolf’ a CG animated feature that clearly shows the famous cast in their animated form. The film’s acclaim was that ‘by imagining the distant past so vividly, Zemeckis and his team prove that character capture has a future. (Corliss R, 2007) Unfortunately, this is still the case as there have been under 10 Hollywood produced character capture feature length films to date. Arguably, the only problem with computer animation is that since the constant success of previous CGI films, audiences are more critical of the new. This means that independent animated films seem to be less successful at the box office. .u32efb5fc09708efd40c9174ce9565ac8 , .u32efb5fc09708efd40c9174ce9565ac8 .postImageUrl , .u32efb5fc09708efd40c9174ce9565ac8 .centered-text-area { min-height: 80px; position: relative; } .u32efb5fc09708efd40c9174ce9565ac8 , .u32efb5fc09708efd40c9174ce9565ac8:hover , .u32efb5fc09708efd40c9174ce9565ac8:visited , .u32efb5fc09708efd40c9174ce9565ac8:active { border:0!important; } .u32efb5fc09708efd40c9174ce9565ac8 .clearfix:after { content: ""; display: table; clear: both; } .u32efb5fc09708efd40c9174ce9565ac8 { display: block; transition: background-color 250ms; webkit-transition: background-color 250ms; width: 100%; opacity: 1; transition: opacity 250ms; webkit-transition: opacity 250ms; background-color: #95A5A6; } .u32efb5fc09708efd40c9174ce9565ac8:active , .u32efb5fc09708efd40c9174ce9565ac8:hover { opacity: 1; transition: opacity 250ms; webkit-transition: opacity 250ms; background-color: #2C3E50; } .u32efb5fc09708efd40c9174ce9565ac8 .centered-text-area { width: 100%; position: relative ; } .u32efb5fc09708efd40c9174ce9565ac8 .ctaText { border-bottom: 0 solid #fff; color: #2980B9; font-size: 16px; font-weight: bold; margin: 0; padding: 0; text-decoration: underline; } .u32efb5fc09708efd40c9174ce9565ac8 .postTitle { color: #FFFFFF; font-size: 16px; font-weight: 600; margin: 0; padding: 0; width: 100%; } .u32efb5fc09708efd40c9174ce9565ac8 .ctaButton { background-color: #7F8C8D!important; color: #2980B9; border: none; border-radius: 3px; box-shadow: none; font-size: 14px; font-weight: bold; line-height: 26px; moz-border-radius: 3px; text-align: center; text-decoration: none; text-shadow: none; width: 80px; min-height: 80px; background: url(; position: absolute; right: 0; top: 0; } .u32efb5fc09708efd40c9174ce9565ac8:hover .ctaButton { background-color: #34495E!important; } .u32efb5fc09708efd40c9174ce9565ac8 .centered-text { display: table; height: 80px; padding-left : 18px; top: 0; } .u32efb5fc09708efd40c9174ce9565ac8 .u32efb5fc09708efd40c9174ce9565ac8-content { display: table-cell; margin: 0; padding: 0; padding-right: 108px; position: relative; vertical-align: middle; width: 100%; } .u32efb5fc09708efd40c9174ce9565ac8:after { content: ""; display: block; clear: both; } READ: What aspects of a film might determine its genre? EssayThe lowest grossing animated release was ‘Freestyle Realsings – Delgo. ’ The film had a ‘$40 million budget didn’t even manage to make $1 Million. (Steven N, 2009) Perhaps the film was unsuccessful due to its ‘unoriginal civil war storyline’ or ‘boring battles and flat jokes’ (Horwitz J, 2008) however winning the best picture in the ‘Brazilian film festival Anima Mundi’ (2008) revealed a lack of promotion contributed to its fail. Lasseter states ‘merely being a computer animated movie is no longer enough to ensure bumper box office’ a lthough they were once seen as ‘the safe, flop proof arm of Hollywood toon’s take as much fortitude as the rest of the industry. ’ (O’Harra H, 2007) Correspondingly, around the years of the global recession, (2007 2009) there was a significant downfall in cinema attendance. (Theatrical Market, 1995 – 2013) This meant audience’s began to become more selective of the movies they paid to watch. Walt Disney once said ‘youre dead if you aim only for kids, adults are only kids grown up anyway. ’ (Lee M. 2009) This could be applied to most modern computer animated films as they are deliberately made so that the whole family can enjoy. The efficiency of going to see family movies in the cinema appeals to viewers, as it is a cheap way of socializing. Love needs’ (Maslow, 1945) are interpersonal, and this time spent with ones family at the cinema makes individuals feel a sense of belongingness, and feel cared about. The interaction therefore caters to ones ‘self-actualization’ needs, which Maslow states are ‘fundamental to our motivation and personality, hence leads to our happiness. ’ (Maslow, 1945) Cinematic companies such as ‘Vue’ even offer ‘Kids AM’ programs in an attempt to encourage families to watch (CGI) movies at the cinema for discounted prices. This benefits institutions like Pixar and DreamWorks as even during the financial crisis they unite fragmented audiences, thus gaining higher revenue. Most importantly, as modern computer generated animation has become so reputable and respected, animation is no longer considered to offer audiences a ‘reconstructed world of lines and colours, which subjugates and alters itself at your command. ’ (Grahame J, 2006) They instead capture relevant grounded scenarios, in the hope that global audiences understand the moral messages laced within and apply them to their own lives. An ideology of filmmaking that was inspired by Walt Disney’s death wish: that his fiction ‘should be something that improved societies not distract them. ’(Simon B, 2010) Most computer-animated narratives tend to take subjects and turn them on their heads. The satirical subject of a robot showing mankind how to live in the ‘postmodern masterpiece’ (Dreher R, 2008) ‘WALL-E’ teaches an audience the importance of looking after our world, instead of succumbing to the lazy life technology has made for us. Such a ‘critique of modernity’ (Dreher R, 2008) allows these seemingly childish movies, to have an influential power that contrasts social preconceived conceptions, and creates political awareness, whilst still being entertaining. There are various theories that ‘film is imploding. ’ (Spielberg, 2013) The film industry as a whole has faced a serious loss of sales to competitors, the games and television industries. Alongside the global recession, which occurred in recent years, now more than ever it is important for filmmakers to generate a unique engaging cinematic experience that is not ‘just TV in public. (Tarantino Q, 2012) I believe that computer animated and motion capture features ‘have a future that is only just emerging’ (Goodridge M, 2008) and can be the way to bring fragmented audiences back to the cinema. However, although we have advanced in technology, bringing us the wonders of computer animation, what makes global audiences enjoy animated movies is the combination of a well thought out narrative and in depth identifiable characters, not just the visuals employed in front of them.

Wednesday, November 27, 2019

The Brethren essays

The Brethren essays The novel, The Brethren, written by John Grisham takes place primarily in a minimum security federal prison in Florida. The time period is modern day. The prison is called Trumble. It is full of harmless criminals, crooks, lawyers, embezzlers, judges, and drug dealers. There are no barbed wire fences or guard towers. Fighting is not tolerated, and some criminals choose to escape by running and make it on the outside. This setting plays a key role in the book because this is where the scam takes place. The scam could be easily tracked if it were not in a prison. Also the scam artists are in prison with little to do with lots of time on their hands. This is how they have the opportunity to cook up the scam. The secondary setting is not a concrete setting. It takes place all across the United States from Washington D.C. to Seattle. It may be in a Boeing 747 or in a secret CIA headquarters, or in a post office. This secondary setting is crucial to the book because the presidential candidate mails a letter to the scam artists in a hurry when his plane is going down. One major character in the book is Congressman Aaron Lake of Arizona. Lake is an individual who likes to be by himself and enjoys being a simple man. Aaron Lake gets chosen to run for president by the CIA to help build up the United States defense, and go after the Russian bomb making army. Lake is a widower and is a closet homosexual. Lake is the nations only hope for self-defense. He gets connected with the Brethren by responding to their gay pen pal ad. In addition to Lake, another main character is Judge Joe Roy Spicer. Spicer was a Justice of the Peace in Mississippi. Spicer had 90,000 dollars of stolen bingo money buried in his backyard. Spicer is the main man in the trio of judges called the Brethren. The Brethren is three ex-judges who do petty court cases in prison for little money. Justice Spicer enjoyed gambling on college sports...

Saturday, November 23, 2019

Exercise in Identifying Prepositional Phrases

Exercise in Identifying Prepositional Phrases A prepositional phrase is a group of words made up of a preposition, its object, and any of the objects modifiers. Before attempting this exercise, you may find it helpful to review the study sheet What Are Prepositional Phrases? InstructionsEach of the following movie quotations contains at least one prepositional phrase. Identify the prepositional phrase(s) in each sentence, and then compare your answers with those on page two. Toto, Ive got a feeling were not in Kansas anymore.(The Wizard of Oz, 1939)May these horses bear you to better fortune than their former masters.(The Lord of the Rings: The Two Towers, 2002)Louis, I think this is the beginning of a beautiful friendship.(Casablanca, 1942)It does not do to dwell on dreams, Harry, and forget to live.(Harry Potter and the Sorcerers Stone, 2001)You know, I always thought that I rescued you from the Dragons Keep.(Shrek Forever After, 2010)In this town, the fewer people who know something, the safer the operation.(The Dark Knight, 2008)Son, you got a panty on your head.(Raising Arizona, 1987)Joey, do you like movies about gladiators?(Airplane! 1980)What we do in life echoes in eternity.(Gladiator, 2000)Luca Brasi sleeps with the fishes.(The Godfather, 1972)Tonight most people will be welcomed home by jumping dogs and squealing kids.(Up in the Air, 2009)Mama always said life was like a box of chocolates.(Forrest Gump, 1994)I love the smell of napalm in the m orning!(Apocalypse Now, 1979) In the matter of Harry Potter, the law clearly states that magic may be used before Muggles in life-threatening situations.(Harry Potter and the Order of the Phoenix, 2007)For sixty years the ring lay quiet in Bilbos keeping, prolonging his life, delaying old age.(The Lord of the Rings: The Fellowship of the Ring, 2001)Today, I consider myself the luckiest man on the face of the earth.(The Pride of the Yankees, 1942)On the night Lord Voldemort went to Godrics Hollow to kill Harry, and Lily Potter cast herself between them, the curse rebounded.(Harry Potter and the Deathly Hallows, Part 2, 2011)Winter must be cold for those with no warm memories.(An Affair to Remember, 1957)The man who can wield the power of this sword can summon to him an army more deadly than any that walks this earth.(The Lord of the Rings: The Return of the King, 2003)And though every single human in the stands or in the commentary boxes was at a complete loss for words, the man who in his life had uttered fewer w ords than any of them knew exactly what to say.(Babe, 1995) Answers to the Exercise in Identifying Prepositional Phrases In the following sentences, the prepositional phrases are in bold print. Toto, Ive got a feeling were not in Kansas anymore.(The Wizard of Oz, 1939)May these horses bear you to better fortune than their former masters.(The Lord of the Rings: The Two Towers, 2002)Louis, I think this is the beginning of a beautiful friendship.(Casablanca, 1942)It does not do to dwell on dreams, Harry, and forget to live.(Harry Potter and the Sorcerers Stone, 2001)You know, I always thought that I rescued you from the Dragons Keep.(Shrek Forever After, 2010)In this town, the fewer people who know something, the safer the operation.(The Dark Knight, 2008)Son, you got a panty on your head.(Raising Arizona, 1987)Joey, do you like movies about gladiators?(Airplane! 1980)What we do in life echoes in eternity.(Gladiator, 2000)Luca Brasi sleeps with the fishes.(The Godfather, 1972)Tonight most people will be welcomed home by jumping dogs and squealing kids.(Up in the Air, 2009)Mama always said life was like a box of chocolates.(Forrest Gump, 1994)I love the smell of napalm in the m orning!(Apocalypse Now, 1979) In the matter of Harry Potter, the law clearly states that magic may be used before Muggles in life-threatening situations.(Harry Potter and the Order of the Phoenix, 2007)For sixty years the ring lay quiet in Bilbos keeping, prolonging his life, delaying old age.(The Lord of the Rings: The Fellowship of the Ring, 2001)Today, I consider myself the luckiest man on the face of the earth.(The Pride of the Yankees, 1942)On the night Lord Voldemort went to Godrics Hollow to kill Harry, and Lily Potter cast herself between them, the curse rebounded.(Harry Potter and the Deathly Hallows, Part 2, 2011)Winter must be cold for those with no warm memories.(An Affair to Remember, 1957)The man who can wield the power of this sword can summon to him an army more deadly than any that walks this earth.(The Lord of the Rings: The Return of the King, 2003)And though every single human in the stands or in the commentary boxes was at a complete loss for words, the man who in his life had uttered fewer w ords than any of them knew exactly what to say.(Babe, 1995)

Thursday, November 21, 2019

Alternative Ways to Present Data Research Paper Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 750 words

Alternative Ways to Present Data - Research Paper Example The latest visualizing health policy info-graphics is a flowchart exemplifying the mechanisms through which people will access healthcare services beginning in 2014. The visualizing health policy of this month provides a step-wise guide through the requirements and options for health coverage under the Affordable Care Act beginning in 2014. This will include other factors such as coverage through an employer, coverage through Medicaid, and coverage through a health insurance exchange (Teitelbaum & Wilensky, 2013). The data is represented in a chart flow as shown below. ( Data presentation is a critical section of reports, research, proposals and other important demonstrations during the course of daily meeting and vital essential presentations. In most cases, the presentations are either visual in nature or depend on a good visual elements for precision and information delivery. With the emergence of technology, the visual tra nsfer of data is accomplished through computer projectors and program like Microsoft PowerPoint. This has made transfer of data easier than ever, and at the same time making it easier to produce a tangible form of the data faithful to the presentation with the printed slide. There are several methods that can be used in data presentation. They include; graphical, tabular, textual, data flow diagram symbols, pie charts, scatter plots and much more methods of data presentation. However, it is worth noting that the method used to present a particular data depends on whether the data is qualitative or quantitative. In the above report- Visualizing Health Polic

Tuesday, November 19, 2019

Project Motorcycles Assignment Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1500 words - 1

Project Motorcycles - Assignment Example According to PRWeb (2013), the Motorcycle, Bikes and Parts industry has entered the maturity stage and it is shifting its focus on the international trade. There is an increasing demand for low-cost and fuel-efficient motorcycles by the customers as they have less disposable income. In 2009, the industry revenue declined by 37.3% (Molavi, 2010) and it is forecasted that the trend will continue in the next five years to 2012 with declining percentage of 6.7% every year (â€Å"PRWeb†, 2013). Likewise, it is expected that there will be a change in the target customer as the young people are looking for the motorcycles. Previously, only old people aged above 45 years were demanding these products. With easy access to the countries where production can be done on a cheap level, the companies within the industry are employing the production processes which will save their costs and allow them to earn a huge amount of profit. There are various types of organizations in the business world but the three main forms of companies which are idle for project management purposes are functional organizations, matrix organizations and pure project management organizations (Bobera, 2008). Considering the scenario of the company, the best structure is the matrix one as it allows the managers to keep a balanced focus on both existing and new projects. Since the company is planning to manage its middleweight motorcycle and large motorcycle businesses simultaneously, the matrix structure will make sure that both projects are efficiently managed. Other positive aspects of the matrix organization for the company are that the resources can be shared among various projects, the project manager makes sure that the project work is coordinated and integrated with other units, the resources are effectively balanced to make sure that the costs and quality requirements are sufficiently met and at the end of the project the anxiety of project members is

Sunday, November 17, 2019

The Road To German Unification - 1856-1871 Essay Example for Free

The Road To German Unification 1856-1871 Essay During the period 1856 1871 the unification of the German states was achieved due to a number of interconnected factors, which accumulated together, realised this aspiration. These factors included both internal and external factors; internally Prussias growth into an economic super power within Europe, military advances and the invoking of latent nationalist sentiment by Bismarck through the use of his shrewd diplomacy and political aptitude all contributed. Externally the shifting international setting into a propitious climate twinned with the roles of France and Austria compelled the unification process. Following the ravages of the Crimean war the international setting fluctuated from being favourable and unfavourable towards the aspiration of German unification. The roles of the major powers; Britain and Russia together with France and Austria played a pivotal part in the eventual unification of Germany. The withdrawal from European affairs and disputes by arguably the two strongest superpowers Britain and Russia had previously been unseen in Europe and so left the door wide open for smaller, upcoming powers such as Prussia to become more active and more influential. While Britain were concerned with maintaining a stronghold over their imperial colonies in Africa and the Indian subcontinent and with Russia occupied in attempts to reverse the black sea clauses France emerged as the predominant European superpower. Frances role in the German unification process were initially favourable as Napolean III wanted to champion a nationalist cause and search for a stroke of European prestig e which would make him more viable to the growing number of European nationalists. An example of France aiding the German unification process was the signing of the informal Biarritz agreement between Bismarck and Napolean III stating that France would remain neutral in any Austro Prussian war in exchange for Venetia, which Napolean would subsequently hand over to Italy. Napolean also had another reason for signing neutrality as he hoped a protracted war between two of Europes strongest central powers would leave them both battle worn and weak and therefore Frances dominant position would be yet more intensified and entrenched. What is clear about Frances role is that however France attempted to aid Germany or any form of European nationalism they did it for the sole purpose in which to further their own gains and power. Austrias role within the international setting was more apparent. The reactionary henchman set up to prevent the spread of European nationalism and nationalist sentiment was now the sole defender of the Vienna settlement and so aimed to suppress any forms of European nationalism especially on or within its borders as this would have meant the complete break up of the already crumbling Austrian polyglot empire. Although Austrias intentions were to crush nationalism their feasibility within Europe had deteriorated as a direct result of poor politics, poor diplomacy and the Crimean war. Austria was left ally less (the Austrian glove had even lost the iron fist of Russia). The climate within the Austrian borders was also bleak, as Austria had swamped to a level where they were politically stagnant, economically bankrupt and militarily overstretched in trying to keep a stranglehold over its fragile empire. In essence the international setting looked more favourable towards the goal of German unification as there was little or no intervention from Britain or Russia, France were supporting the cause to an extent but only to further their own gains and Austrias decline in power influence and pride left a gaping hole for a viable struggle to begin. Alongside the international setting the biggest role played in the German unification process was that of Prussia and her growth into a major European superpower. Prussia during the 1850 and 1860s flourished into an economic superpower within Europe. Her advance far outshone that of either France or Austria. One of the major developments of the 1850s was Prussias new and modern railway system, which arguably gave the whole nation a foundation onto which they could build and communicate. Some historians state that the railways were Prussias backbone and stemmed the military advances. In just one year alone an additional 3280 km of track was laid and by this Prussia had as fleet of 15000 steam engines with a combined horsepower of 800000. this new railway system came to goods use in the military efforts of Prussia against both France and Austria as it allowed the quick and efficient mobilisation of troops and supplies. An example of this was in the Austro- German states war against Prussia where Prussia moved all of its army to the battlefield in five days opposed to the five weeks it would normally have taken. Alongside the railways the production of other vital resources such as coal iron and steel increased and continued well into the 1860s where coal production rose from 9.7 to 14.7 million tonnes. Prussia at this stage was now producing more coal and iron than any of its European rivals and this echoed in the rise in stock companies from 58 to 172 and the boost in wealth and industry. The growth in Prussias economic level also increased Prussias role as a major European exporter by 1858 Prussia had a surplus of over 17 million marks which they used to fight the war of 1864. Due to this and other factors historians believe that economic advances underpinned military advances JM kaynes quotes that, the German empire was not found on coal and iron but on blood and iron. In prà ¯Ã‚ ¿Ã‚ ½cis it is clear from the evidence that Prussias growth into an economic superpower enabled them to fight the unification struggle. In contrast to the beliefs of JM Kaynes some historians argue that it was not coal and iron but rather blood and iron that led to the eventual unification of Germany. The military advancements were made on two levels initially through re-modelling and having a better-organised army and secondly through the use of new technology such as the needle gun. Bismarck through appointing two key figures in von Roon and Von moltke modernised the army a central command structure was initially introduced which enabled better and improved communications, logistics and enabled supplies and troops to be mobilised efficiently through the use of the railways. As well as this manpower was increased through the implementation of conscription the numbers went from 40000 to 63000 alongside this the service time of a soldier was increased from 1-3 years this resulted in an army which was bonded together, better organised and more professional. The organisation and efficiency of the new army was shown ion the Franco- Prussian war where France managed to mobilise only 200000 troops onto the battlefield in comparison to the 380000 of Prussia. Alongside all these factors the formation of new barracks and regiments gave a greater strength of unity and this unity was illustrated on the battlefield through the execution of new war tactics such as Von Moltkes empty battlefield strategy where his forces would divide into 3 regiments and then would surround the enemy from all sides leaving them in an uncompromising position. Together with structural advances technological advances such as the needle gun, which could be loaded and fired far more swiftly, and effectively than the previous muzzle loaded rifles allowed the Prussians to grasp victory on various occasions. Some historians have the view that it was Prussian soldiers on horseback with rifle and cannon which unified the German states between 1856-71. Concisely the military advances alongside economic growth brought about the unification of Germany. The military and economic advances were propelled through the nature and character of German nationalism and the latent nationalist sentiment which existed in Germany and was simply waiting for someone to ignite it into a flame of nationalist glory. In this case the spark was Bismarck who invoked nationalist sentiment by creating the illusion of a united Germany where in all honesty he was only interested in expanding Prussian interests. Firstly the growth in nationalist press and propaganda enticed and inspired German nationalists and liberals into thinking they had a new leader. Alongside this a sense of unity was arising within Germany itself through the growing number of German societies which were run and completely under the control of Germans. An example of one of these societies was UFL Bochum which was a sporting club established in 1840 by Germans and for Germans. The clubs success is evident as it later became a professional football club playing in the German Bundesliga. These clubs and societies gave the nation a sense of unity and boosted morale. In conjunction with the societies and clubs nationalist themed operas and fables such as The Flying Dutchman and The Brothers Grim again inspired nationalists and liberals and gave the whole a sense of pride and belonging. Bismarck was so influential in raising nationalist sentiment that even the German parliament turned a blind eye to him collecting illegal taxes in the hope that he would unite Germany and then they would push for their liberal and democratic ideals in the formation of Germany. In the final analysis Bismarck exposed latent nationalist sentiment through injecting a sense of unity and through the use of propaganda which together gave the whole nation a point to aspire to and made himself the figurehead who would part the waves and lead the nation there. In conjunction with German nationalism and the aforementioned factors the role of Bismarck was key and arguably the most important role in linking all the factors to bring about German unification. Bismarck never had the intention of uniting the German states he simply wanted to expand Prussian interest within Europe. AJP Taylor summed up Bismarcks role effectively in saying that, he was a Prussian patriot rather than a German nationalist. There are two defined views that historians have on the role of Bismarck some believe that he was an opportunist in that he learnt to take advantages of opportunities which arose on the European frontier and gain the best out of unpredictable circumstances in contrast to this view some historians argue that Bismarck was a master planner in that he engineered events to suit his needs and that he had a clear blueprint of his future aims which may have been influenced by his Junker upbringing and his conservative, autocratic view. What is clear about Bismarck is that he used shrewd diplomacy and his political skill through which he exploited industrial strength in conjunction with other factors such as the favourable international climate in which he played of power against power to good effect. Bismarck on various occasions between 1856 1871 used his political genius to increase Prussian interests whether he had a master plan or not. An example of this was in 1863 when he crushed the polish revolts on his borders in order to ensure that nationalist sentiment did not spill over onto his borders as this would have resulted in his personal conservative and autocratic views would have been challenged. In crushing the revolts Bismarck also gained the friendship of Russia. Later when the issue of the Danish duchies was raised Bismarck went to war with Denmark however enlisted Austrian support this was to show Austria as the major partner if anything went wrong, as well as this the union of two of Europes major superpowers would have prevented any foreign intervention from any other European powers. In 1866 and 1870 Bismarck provoked both Austria and France into going to war with Prussia in Austrias case through mobilising his troops on the Austrian border and forcing an ultimatum from them and engineering the situation so Austria looked the aggressor and therefore preventing French involvement. After winning this war he again provoked France this time by utilizing the issue of the Hollzolleren Candidature to his advantage and through doctoring the EMS telegram he enticed the French into setting an ultimatum which was to back out of the running for the Spanish throne and apologise or go to war. Bismarck refused to apologise and France declared war making themselves look the aggressor in a war which they lost because of a better, more organised Prussian army. Succinctly through Bismarcks success all of Germany looked to him for leadership in the German unification struggle. However Bismarck could not have known how France and Austria would have reacted to his politics nevertheless through his cunning tactics and from knowing that Prussia had a modern and better organised army than its aggressors he united Germany in conservative and imperialistic manner whether he intended to or not and therefore I deem that Bismarck was an opportunist who learnt to gain the best out of circumstances rather than a master planer. In conclusion Germany was united because of a number of interconnected factors such as the growth of Prussia into an economic superpower, which in turn provided the resources needed for the Prussian army to be strengthened to the extent that it could math if not succeed that of any other European power. As well as this the fluctuating international setting which Bismarck used to great effect alongside invoking latent nationalist sentiment to bring about a viable unification struggle and eventually achieve the endeavour of German unification.

Friday, November 15, 2019

Cannibalism Essay -- essays research papers

There are so many bad things in the world but according to many, cannibalism is considered just about the worst. Depending on your point of view, it rises above even such criminal abominations as, rape and genocide. Then again, we live in a culture, in which people would run vomiting to the bathroom if they saw what went into making their McDonald's hamburgers. Cannibalism, also known as anthropophagi, is defined as the act or practice of eating members of the same species. The word anthropophagi comes from the Arawakan language name for the Carib Indians of the West Indies. The Caribs are well known for their practice of cannibalism. Among humans, this practice has been attributed to people in the past all over the world, including rituals connected to tribal warfare. There are two kinds of cannibalism -- sociological and pathological. Sociological means living and eating in a culture where cannibalism is accepted, and the pathological means practicing cannibalism within a culture where it's not accepted. Much controversy exists over the idea of sociological cannibalism. Reports of social cannibalism are mostly pointed at the Americas and Africa, since these were the primary continents subjected to European killing and conquest sprees from the Middle Ages through modern times. Despite what anyone says, there are documented examples of cann ibalistic cultures and practices. It was usually a spiritual ritual. In some cases, the bodies of enemies were consumed in order to abso...

Tuesday, November 12, 2019

African Americans and Racial Diversity

There are many organizations that advocate equality for African Americans in the United States. Many organizations will promote the African American race and show what concerns are being felt by their race. Those that advocate for their race give a description of how they fall in history, what discrimination they endured and what prejudice they still have to deal with. These groups and organizations promote the idea to bring discrimination to a stop in their cultures around the world. African Americans and Racial Equality African Americans have made their way to freedom, but have been left with a heavy burden of their ancestor’s slavery. Would they ever be seen as anything but slaves brought unwilling from Africa to the United States to be enslaved and be servants to the White Man? Those questions can be answered by looking at the history of African Americans and how they have become great leaders in this country. Rosa Parks may have not been the first Black woman to give up her seat on the bus, but she stared a chain of events that would eventually bring segregation to an end. That day in 1955, Rosa Parks paved the way for people like Barak Obama to become the first African American President the United States has ever had. Before that time, African Americans had endured slavery, segregation, discrimination, and prejudice because of the color of their skin. Many African American men fought for our country in the civil war so they could be granted freedom after they served. Butler (2013) stated, â€Å"the Fourteenth Amendment was added to the Constitution revoking that fateful decision and ensuring citizenship, with all its rights and esponsibilities, to everyone born in the United States regardless of race. † (para. 1). There have been several political, social, and cultural issues and concerns throughout American history. Some political issues African American have faces according to history. house. gov (2013) â€Å"Since 1870, when Senator Hiram Revels of Mississippi and Representative Joseph Rainey of South Carolina became the first African Americans to serve in Congress, a total of 139 African Americans have served as U. S. Representatives or Senators. Social issues among African Americans are discrimination and prejudice within the United States and beyond. Many are discriminated against because of their race. Many black men and women are deprived of the earning abilities of that of the White man. They make less money and live in poverty striking communities. Because of slavery, many African Americans feel as though they will never been seen equal to others because of their ancestors. Until this mind set changes, history will continue to run the ideas and future of African Americans. Some cultural issues among the African American throughout history would be being accepted into a culture. Many slaves when freed started large communities made up of just Blacks. Without the same education and opportunities as White men and woman, they fell into poverty and struggled to grow as respected Americans. This permits for crime rates to be higher because they had to survive any way they could if only by stealing to be able to live. These issues among African American still exist today. The NAACP has fought for African American rights for generations. According to â€Å"Naacp: 100 Years Of History† (2009-2013), â€Å"The NAACP seeks to remove all barriers of racial discrimination through the democratic processes. † (Founding Group). The have helped many African American groups with their right to vote because even after they were granted the right, many were still denied. The NAACP has fought along site African Americans to bring justice and rights to those people who worked so hard to become free and receive equal rights in the United States. The United States Supreme Court alleviated slavery, and wrote into law that ll people should be treated equal. They gave African Americans the right to vote and be equals in their communities and states. They also were granted the right to become government officials. Although these laws have been added, discrimination and prejudice still exist in the United States. The NAACP and other organizations have and continue to fight for the rights of African American and other races. Blackradicalcongress. org has a list of originations that promote blacks in our country. These groups give support to African Americans and show the history of their culture. African Americans may carry a heavy burden of slavery from their ancestors, but they have become the staples of our culture. Through their determination our country has changed to make way for new opportunities for us to grow as a Nation. Every man has equal opportunity to make change and live a life without discrimination and prejudice. It takes one person to show the world that change can happen. Let’s make a change. Let’s all live without discrimination and treat everyone as an equal to ourselves. Reference Butler, C.  (2013).  The African-American Experience FROM ENSLAVEMENT TO EMANCIPATION.  Retrieved from History, Art & Archives, U.S. House of Representatives, â€Å"Black Americans in Congress,† (July 07, 2013) NAACP: 100 Years of History. (2009-2013). Retrieved from Black Organizations. (). Retrieved from

Sunday, November 10, 2019

Computer History and Development Essay

The dictionary defines a computer as an electronic device for storing and processing data, typically in binary form, according to instructions given to it in a variable program. Primarily created to compute; however, modern day computers do much more today: supermarket scanners calculate consumers groceries bill, while keeping track of store inventory; computerized telephone switching centers play traffic cop to millions of calls, keeping lines of communication untangled; and automatic teller machines let’s banking transactions to be conducted from virtually anywhere in the world. Technology has been around for a centuries; growing rapidly year by year. One of the most important items Technology has produced is computers. The Electronic Numerical Integrator and Computer also known as ENIAC was regarded as the first general purpose electronic computer. What came before the ENIAC; well, there is the abacas which some consider the first computer. Created over 5000 years ago in Asia and is still in use today. Using a system of sliding beads arranged on a rack, users are allowed to make computations. In early times, the abaca was used to keep trading transactions; until, this became obsolete with the introduction of pencil and paper. Within the next twelve centuries emerged a significant advancement in computer technology. The year was 1642, when Blaise Pascal, the 18 year-old son of a French tax collector, invented the numerical wheel calculator, also known as the â€Å"Pascaline. † Pascaline was a brass rectangular box that used eight movable dials to add sums up to eight figures long. This device was great and became popular in Europe; the only drawback was the limits to addition (Pascal’s calculator, 2010, para. ). Another event that epitomizes the Pascaline machine came from an inventor by the name of Gottfried Wilhem von Leibniz; a German mathematician and philosopher in the 1600’s. Gottfried Wilhem von Leibniz added to Pascline by creating a machine that could also multiply. Like its predecessor, Leibniz’s mechanical multiplier worked by a system of gears and dials. Original notes and drawings from the Pascline machine were used to help refine his machine. The core of the machine was its stepped-drum gear design. However, mechanical calculators did not gain widespread use until the early 1800’s. Shortly after, a Frenchman, Charles Xavier Thomas de Colmar invented a machine that could perform the four basic arithmetic functions. The arithometer, Colmar’s mechanical calculator, presented a more practical approach to computing because it could add, subtract, multiply and divide. The arithometer was widely used up until the First World War. Although later inventors refined Colmar’s calculator, together with fellow inventors Pascal and Leibniz, he helped define the age of mechanical computation. The real beginnings of computers that we use today came in the late 1700’s, thanks to Charles Babbage with the invention of the Analytical Engine. Babbage machine was a steam powered machine; although, it was never constructed it outlined basic elements of a modern general computer. Several more inventors added to machines that were out in the late 1800’s to help pave the way for the first generation of computers (1945-1956) (LaMorte, C & Lilly J, 2010, para. 4). Wars had a great deal in the advancement of modern computers; the Second World War governments sought out to develop computers to exploit potential strategic importance. Therefore, in 1941 a German engineer Konrad Zuse had developed the Z3. The Z3 was created to design airplanes and missiles (Computer History Museum – Timeline of Computer History, 2010, para. 3). Another computer that was created for war times was the ENIAC, first commissioned for the use in World War II, but not completed until one year after the war had ended. It was installed at the University of Pennsylvania, with a partnership alongside the U. S. government, its 40 separate eight-foot-high racks and 18,000 vacuum tubes were intended to help calculate ballistic trajectories. There was also 70,000 resistors and more than 4 million soldered joints; truly a massive piece of machinery that consumed around 160 kilowatts of electrical power. This is enough energy to dim the lights in an entire section of Philadelphia. This computer was a major development with speeds 1000 times faster than the current Mark I. For the next 40 years John von Neumann along with the University of Pennsylvania team kept on initiating new concepts into the computer design. With the combined genius of all the personnel they continued with new products such as the central processing unit (CPU) and also the UNIVAC. The Universal Automatic Computer (UNIVAC) became one of the first commercially available computers to take advantage of the CPU. This helped out the U. S. Census bureau. First generation computers were characterized by the fact that operating instructions were made-to-order for the specific task for which the computers were to be used. Computers had different binary-coded program called a machine language that told it how to operate. This made the computer difficult to program and limited its versatility and speed. Other distinctive features of first generation computers were the use of vacuum tubes, which were known for their breathtaking size, and magnetic drums for data storage (LaMorte, C & Lilly J, 2010, para. 10). The second generation of computers, from 1956-1963, began the age of smaller computers. With the invention of the transistor in 1948, bulky vacuum tube in televisions, radios and computers were all replaced. The transistor became available in a working computer in 1956, and the size of computers has been shrinking ever since (LaMorte, C & Lilly J, 2010, para. 13). Along with smaller computers the transistors paved the way for faster, more reliable and more energy-efficient products; thanks in part to the advances made to the magnetic-core memory. The first to take advantage of this new found technology was the early supercomputer, from IBM and LARC. These supercomputers were in demand by atomic scientist because the enormous amount of data that these computers could handle. By 1965, most big business processed financial information using second generation computers. With the second generation computer came new career opportunities such as programmer, analyst, and computer systems expert. Although, transistors was and improvement over the vacuum tube, they still generated a lot of heat, which damaged sensitive internal parts of the computer; the quartz rock eliminated this problem (LaMorte, C & Lilly J, 2010, para. 16). Third generation computers (1964-1971) began with Engineer Jack Kilby, with Texas Instruments, developing the IC (Integrated Circuit) in the mid 1900’s. The IC combined three components onto a small silicon disc, which was mad from the quartz. Later on scientist were able to fit even more electronic components onto a single chip, called a semiconductor. As a result, computers became smaller as more components were fitted on these chips. The third generation computer gave birth to the operating system. This allowed machines to run different programs all at once with a central program that coordinated and monitored the computer’s memory (LaMorte, C & Lilly J, 2010, para. 16). With the fourth generation of computer’s (1971-2000) only thing to do was to go down in size. There were three major chips that helped with computer downsizing the LSI, VLSI, and ULSI. Large scale integration (LSI) could fit hundreds of components onto one chip. Very large integration (VLSI) could fit hundreds of thousands of components onto one chip. Ultra-large scale integration (ULSI) could fit millions of components onto chips (LaMorte, C & Lilly J, 2010, para. 17). The size and prices of computers went down due to the fact, that so much was able to be put into an a area about half the size of a U. S. dime. Intel, which was founded in 1968, developed the Intel 4004 chip in 1971, which would become standard in everyday house hold items such as microwaves, television sets and automobiles. With such condensed power allowed for a new market, everyday people. Computers were no longer just developed exclusively for large business or government contracts. It was the late 1900’s, when computer manufacturers sought to bring computers to a more general consumer. These smaller and sleek computers came with a more user-friendly software packages such as word processing and spreadsheet programs. Early company who took advantage of selling these more user friendly computers was Commodore, Radio Shack, and Apple Computers. In 1981, IBM launched its personal computer for multi-purpose use in the home, office, and schools. IBM made the personal computer even more affordable and the numbers increased rapidly within the next year. Personal computer usage more than doubled, going from 2 million in 1981 to 5. 5 million in 1982. Fast forward 10 years later, there are 65 million PC’s owned by general consumers. With the introduction of Human Computer Interface (HCI), users could now control the screen cursor using a mouse mimicking one hands movement instead of typing every instruction. Smaller computers became more powerful, especially in the workplace, were they could be linked together to share memory space, software, and communicate with each other. This was achieved using telephone lines or direct wiring called a Local Area Network (LAN) (LaMorte, C & Lilly J, 2010, para. 20). The fifth generation of computers (Present and Beyond) is a generation that is in the works of some great advancements in computer technology with the utilization of computer chips. One of the major components of a computer is the chip; these are conducted of semiconductor materials and semiconductors that eventually wear out. A semiconductor is a material that is typically made of silicon and germanium; both of them are neither a good conductor of electricity nor a good insulator. These materials are then fixed to create an excess or lack of electrons (Semiconductor, 2010, para. 2). Integrated circuits grow old and die or are discontinued. This process can happen in many ways; modern chips as used in computers have millions of transistors printed on a small chip of silicon no bigger than a fingernail. Each microscopically transistor is connected to the others, on the surface of the chip, with even smaller aluminum or copper wires. Over the years, the thermal stress of turning the computer on and off can cause tiny cracks in the wires. As the computer warms up the wires can part and cause the computer to stop working. Even a few seconds of off-time can cool the system enough to allow the wires to re-connect, so your computer may work just fine for a few minutes, or hours, then after it warms up, it may fail, letting it cool off can bring it back to life for a few minutes or more (Computer Freezes and Crashes, 2010, para. 16). Of course, some chips are much more inclined to failure than others. The competition tries to gain an advantage on the market by building cheaper or faster chips; cheaper and faster means hotter and shorter-lived parts. Better quality equals higher prices; when the price goes up and nobody buys the products. Low quality products die of old age too early and they get a bad names, this causes products to not be sold. Most modern computers are constructed from the cheapest parts available. With this information being known, Intel, one of the best chip manufactures, designs their parts to be very vigorous and endure heat and malfunction. Intel was founded on July 18, 968, as Integrated Electronics Corporation. Intel Corporation is a worldwide semiconductor chip maker corporation based in Santa Clara, California, and is the world’s largest semiconductor chip maker, based on revenue. They invented the series x86 microprocessors; these processors are found in most personal computers (Intel, 2010, para. 20). Intel along with other competing companies is predicting no more mouse or keyboards by 2020. Right now with Intel-developed sensor and brain waves scientist are hoping they can find ways to harness brain waves to operate computers. This all would be done of course with consumer’s permission. Scientists believe that consumers would want the freedom gained by using the implant. The idea may be far-fetched now but 20 years ago tell a person that it would become almost necessary to carry a computer around; that idea would have been rebutted. Look around now, people cannot leave a computer or computer device home or even in a vehicle without feeling like something is missing, an almost naked feeling. Scientists believe that consumers will grow tired of dependence of computer interface. Whether it’s fishing out accessories or even just using the hands to interact, Scientists think consumers would prefer to manipulate various devices with their brains. Currently a research team from Intel is working on decoding human brain activity. The team has used Functional Magnetic Resonance Imaging (FMRI), these are machines that determine blood flow changes in certain areas of the brain based on what word or image the consumer is thinking of. This idea sounds farfetched but almost two years ago, scientist in the U. S. and japan announced that a monkey’s brain was used to control a humanoid robot. Scientist and the Intel team are currently working on getting to a point where it is possible to mentally type words by thinking about letters (Intel Chips in brains will control computers by 2020, 2010, para. 4). The story of the computer is amazing; to see how far technology has come is almost unreal. Evolving from the first computer the ENAIC, a huge machine that had thousands of tubes everywhere; computers are now small enough to be placed in a brief case for on the go use. Furthermore, with the everyday advancement of technology it won’t be long before farfetched ideas become a reality.

Friday, November 8, 2019

Correspondence Rule and Qunie-duhem theory essays

Correspondence Rule and Qunie-duhem theory essays A correspondence rule (c-rule) is when observational and theoretical terms are put together to form a specific definition. Science has evolved through this by positivists by combining theoretical and mathematical logic. The c-rule is the basis for all positivists. The bioconditional affect though is that which connects observations to theories through and if and only if stance. By using mathematical logic, positivists have concluded that there are 5 rules that are the essence of the c-rule. To start, one must have a quantifier(s) to state what the observational object is under scrutiny. Next the positivist would add mathematical logic to the equation through the use of symbols. The results are then determined as observational and/or theoretical terms, applying naturally to the laws of nature. The reasons behind this logic though are simple. Positivists wanted to discredit the fact that science and experimentation are subjective. By creating a standard way of testing and interpr eting results through mathematics, science now becomes universal and objective. People still try to discredit positivism though. They say that positivists use subjunctive mathematics rather objective mathematics. Through these accusations, positivists take a mighty blow and become nearly wholly discredited. By saying that positivists are subjunctive, one is saying that positivists add to the disorder of the experiment by using theory over fact. If a positivist came to me with an experiment on how to get better tire traction on a race track I, being a skeptic, could discredit him by saying that his logic falls on the theoretical side and is therefore subjunctive. Now to argue against me, the positivist would go out to the  ¼ mile strip and lessen the air pressure of his front tires, creating more tire to track surface area (assuming the car is FWD as well). He has now proved t ...

Tuesday, November 5, 2019

How to Be a Pro at Your First Job After Graduating College

How to Be a Pro at Your First Job After Graduating College Congrats! You’ve snagged a job and are on the way to building your professional life. There are five things you need to know to be your best self in the workplace. Deal with your bossDo nothing but impress. If your boss asks you for something, accept the challenge and deliver the finished product without complications. Unless you’re really stumped or confused by her instructions, find a way to get it done quickly, correctly, and well. Ask questions. Make sure you know exactly what is required from you and then do that, plus a little more. When possible, don’t show anybody how the sausage is made. And never make your boss or coworkers look stupid in front of others.CommunicateYou’re not in college anymore. The jokes you and your friends thought were funny in college probably aren’t. When in doubt, act more mature than you have ever felt. Don’t gossip in the hallways, don’t write emails angry, figure out how to express yourself professio nally and concisely- when to write an email vs. pick up the phone vs. swing by someone’s cubicle. Learn to listen. Don’t blather on in meetings. Don’t ever check your phone in the middle of a conversation; it’s just rude. Be unimpeachable. Your future reputation thanks you.Deal with your coworkers in a courteous mannerBe nice. Don’t say anything inflammatory or insensitive. Try and appreciate perspectives and experiences that are not your own- who knows, you may learn something. Pick up a few troubleshooting skills to ingratiate yourself; if you’re the only Excel wizard on your team, chances are you’ll be called in to pinch hit often, and thanked profusely! Drink less than you would by half at every work function. (You’re welcome.)Dress  like a proBe neat, but not ostentatious. Don’t overdress, and definitely don’t underdress. Present yourself professionally and without flash. Invest in a few quality pieces: nic e shoes, a decent bag, clothes that fit your body type and don’t look sloppy. Keep your haircut neat. And beyond that, don’t stress too much. Let your work speak for you.  Evolve and excelYou’ve worked hard already. That’s how you got where you are. Now you just have to transition from the all-nighters and the energy drinks to the office life. Stay steady, find a project you can sink your teeth into, and keep your head down. When you make mistakes- and you will- rectify them quickly and learn from them.

Sunday, November 3, 2019

As Project Management evolves a new set of issues is demanding Essay

As Project Management evolves a new set of issues is demanding attention - Essay Example overseen by a project manager, who needs to possess strong leadership qualities to effectively supervise and guide the project implementation workforce. The project manager also needs to clearly understand the project objectives and the strategies identified by the organization for effective accomplishment of the project goals. He is the person in charge of the project and therefore acts as a link between the workforce and the organization’s management. Fretty (2006 p 38) states that, â€Å"As Project Management evolves a new set of issues is demanding attention†. This paper is a critique of the issues that project managers need to pay attention to as the project progresses, which include mentorship programs to enhance the accomplishment of tasks by the junior members of the project workforce, team building as well as promotion of project management and awareness as well as strong leadership skills among the project managers. It analyzes the competences that are necessary for the accomplishment of the overall goal of the project, such as; strong leadership, understanding of strategies for success, strategies for performance management and staff motivation, effective communication as well as generation of strong working relationships between the junior staff and the organizational management. Understanding and paying attention to the emerging issues is significant for successful implementation of project and accomplishment of the overall goal. Before inception of the project, the project managers are engaged according to the skills acquired through education. They bring fresh knowledge in to the project. However, there are many challenges that they are likely to face in the process. Problem solving requires skills that are mainly possessed by the longstanding project managers. It is therefore important for the project officers who have been in the organization for a longer period of time to provide mentorship for the newly engaged project officers. Mentorship is

Friday, November 1, 2019

Developing & Managing the Enterprise Case Study

Developing & Managing the Enterprise - Case Study Example in order to run the business, Steve would need to increase his technical skills with a computer, while for raising the finance for the business he has the option for selling off his current business and taking on a small business loan for financing establishment expenses and operations of the business in the lunch phase. Entrepreneur is a person who takes risk to exploit opportunities and generate high revenues from such ventures through the creative use of innovation. "Entrepreneurship is the dynamic process of creating incremental wealth. The wealth is created by individuals who assume the major risks in terms of equity, time and/or career commitment or provide value for some product or service" ('Definition of Entrepreneurship Today') Small business are usually established by people to generate a steady income and support themselves and their families, however an entrepreneurial business is one in which the entrepreneur takes risk to exploit the opportunities in the market and use innovation in a creative manner to make his business succeed. The type of business which is going to be run by Steve is going to be an entrepreneurial business as he would be providing e-books as well as hardcopy books both new and used as well as a trading facility through the online internet medium to the customers in the market. Venture Ideas/ Opportunities Through the analysis of the industry where is Steve was previously operating in, it has been observed that he has the following options pertaining to starting a new business venture. 1. Shut down the retail bookselling business and launch and online retail option for new and used books. 2. Start a business in another field 3. Sell his business to the large retailers and competitors in the market and invest the money in buying shares of the other successful companies Of the above mentioned business options available to Steve, the first option pertaining to the commencement of an online bookstore business by Steve is the most profitable in the long term as it if strategy invested in, the business can compete with the large scale book retailers in the market while over coming the barriers of entry presented by the likes of Angus & Robertson and Dymocks. Another reason as to why this option has been chosen is because of the experience that Steve has in the book retail market and the contacts that he has established over the period which can facilitate his establishment and operation of the online book retail business. Competitive Strategy The different types of competitive strategies that are normally used by entrepreneurs pertain to being a defender, prospector, analyzer and reactor. The defender strives to maintain a prominent position in the market with centralized and traditionally hierarchical organization. The prospector on the other hand brings new products and services in to the market and focuses on being innovative. The analyzer copies successful innovations and builds on them to create a position while a reactor tends to have strategies which are well defined but obsolete. (Allen, 1999). The strategy which is going to be used by Steve for his new business would be analyzer strategy whereby he would be building on present innovations

Wednesday, October 30, 2019

Orange plc Financial Statement Coursework Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 2000 words

Orange plc Financial Statement - Coursework Example The company’s return on equity ratio was 25% in 2014 and 8.74% in 2015. The return on equity ratio measures the company’s performance in earning return to its shareholders. Despite the company having a low ratio in 2015, it had significant high performance in 2014 by having a fair return to its shareholders. The return on assets was 3.21% in 2015 and 10.48% in 2014. The return on assets ratio measures the company’s performance in generating sufficient profits from its total assets. The company had a low ratio in 2015 desspite the high ratio it had in 2014. This showed a tremendous decline in the company’s performance. The maintenance of a 100% mark up between the two years was a desirable aspect of the company performance. There was a decline in the return on capital employed between the two years using the the two different methods of computing. This trend is undesirable and should be changed since it shows a decline in the company’s performance. The company’s current ratio was 2.05 in both 2014 and 2015. This ratio measures the company’s liquidity by determining the extent in which the company’s current assets can offset its current liabilities. The company maintains a current ratio that is above in both the two financial years implying that the company’s liquidity position is at a fair place since it can easily offset its current obligations with its current assets. The maintenance of this ratio is thus a positive indicator of the company’s liquidity position. The company’s quick ratio was 1.27% in 2014 and 1.31% in 2015. The quick ratio measures the company’s liquidity in a similar way like how the current ratio does but it does excludes the inventory from the current assets. There is exclusion of inventory from the current assets since it is not easily converted into cash like the other current assets. This means basing the company’s liquidity on inventory is